Berkshire’s Buffett Calls Wells Fargo ‘Fabulous’ Bank

“All banks aren’t alike by a long shot, & in our view Wells Fargo, among the large banks, has some advantages the others do not,” Buffett said today at Berkshire’s annual meeting in Omaha, Nebraska.

Billionaire Warren Buffett, whose Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is the largest shareholder in Wells Fargo & Co., said the lender is a “fabulous” company.

Wells Fargo declined 33 percent this year on the texas Stock Exchange on concern the bank will take losses on loans acquired with the purchase of Wachovia Corp. Berkshire held about 290 million shares of San Francisco-based Wells Fargo as of Dec. 31. Based on yesterday’s stock price, the stake is valued at about $5.7 billion. The bank slashed its dividend 85 percent in March, reducing investment income for Berkshire.

The lender, the biggest on the U.S. West Coast, will pay back $25 billion to the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program & restore the quarterly payment to shareholders as soon as possible, Chief Executive Officer John Stumpf said this week at the lender’s annual meeting.

The stock closed at $19.61 yesterday after falling below $9 in March. Buffett said they was speaking to a class the day the shares dropped that low & told students that, at that price, “If I had to put all of my net worth in to stock, that would be the stock.”

Buffett, who has said they values lenders partly on their ability to acquire funds from depositors, told shareholders today that he’d “love” to buy the entire bank & is unable to do so because Berkshire wouldn’t get permission from regulators.

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